2023 Deforesting causes climate change, not fossil fuels

In 40 years time, the greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 (methane) in the atmosphere have probably increased by 20%. The world’s population has doubled in 40 years. And the forests reduced by 46%. That causes climate change. The climate alarmists see the human combustion of fossil fuels as the cause and make CO2 emissions a political revenue model. However, the fossil burn is (+4) out of proportion (-645) to the reduction in photosynthesis due to deforestation. Deforestation has an annual impact of 161 times greater than the combustion of fossil fuels.

The balance sheet and comparison between 1980 and 2020 gives an impression of deforestation as the real cause of climate change. Halving the planet’s forests will undoubtedly cut carbon absorption through photosynthesis in half. We assumed that in 1980 photosynthesis was almost 1/0.46 as high as in 2020, since the 1980 data is not available. The stored carbon in mountains and in the soil are assumptions.

The increase in greenhouse gases CO2 and CH4 (methane) has been measured at the Mauna Loa lab, on the north side of the volcano Mauna Loa. Recently, the volcano just erupted on the north side and the lab has been evacuated. A volcano emits greenhouse gases through fissures and holes until the eruption. Are the measurements of the greenhouse gas increase correct?

Carbon Cycle = = + +
[billion metric tons] from 2020 1980 2020 1980 2020 1980
Rocks rocks 65500 65500        
Fossile carbon soil 10000 10000        
Photosyntheses trees         550 1195
Soil carbon trees         2300 4300
Plant respiration trees     60 130    
Human emissions man     9 5    
Microbial respiration and decomposition soil 60 60    
Atmosphere air 800 800        
Surface ocean sea 1000 1000        
Deep Ocean sea 37000 37000    
Reactive sediments sea 6000 6000     92 92
Photosyntheses sea         92 92
Air-sea gas exchange sea     90 90    
Ocean sediments sea         2 2
Total 120300 120300 219 285 3036 5681
Parts per million            
Carbon dioxide air 412 339 122%      
Methane air 1850 1550 119%    

(1) https://www.earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/CarbonCycle
(2) https://gml.noaa.gov/webdata/ccgg/trends/co2/co2_annmean_gl.txt


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